Flowers bouquet

Co-Ed Flowers & Gifts


Located on the main street of historic downtown Sault Ste. Marie, Co-Ed Flowers & Gifts is a family owned and operated business that has served the area since 1930. We offer the same personalized, friendly, and prompt service as our founders Mr. Coulter and Mr. Edwards (Co-Ed), and all of our products are backed by a 100% guarantee.

We can help make your wedding day magical with unique, personalized designs to fit any budget. Stop in and talk with one of our wedding specialists to explore the possibilities for creating your dream wedding.

Our caring staff is here to help you select a tasteful expression of sympathy. We offer extended hours by appointment for ordering sympathy flowers. We also deliver on Sundays for funerals, if orders are placed in advance.

We look forward to fulfilling all your floral needs!

Contact Information

724 Ashmun St, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
724 Ashmun St, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

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